FSGW Board Minutes Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Meeting Called to Order

by Mary Cliff at 8:22 P.M.

Members Present: Mary Cliff, Richard Aigen, Jerry Stein, Sandy Aubin, Betsy Platt, Penelope Weinberger, RosieLee Salinas, Roxanne Watts, Liz Milner, Peter Maier, Jane Meneely, Leslie Root, a quorum is present.

Members Absent: Sue McIver

Other Attendees: Jackie Hoglund, Steve Burnett, Leslie Barclay, Charlie Baum


Minutes for Sept. 4  submitted and approved.

Minutes for October 2  Submitted, amended, and approved as amended.


Treasurer: Richard

Finances appear to be in good order.

Some questions remain about Paypal Chesapeake funds that need clarification.

The Budget Meeting was held on Oct. 8. Current projections show a net loss of $5830 over the course of the year. The budget will be adjusted, if needed, as events occur.

Dance: Penelope

Discussion begun at the previous board meeting continued regarding difficulties at the Sunday Night Dance. Several complaints have been received regarding a certain dancer’s behavior, especially toward young women.

Moved and seconded that the individual be permanently banned from the FSGW dances. An amendment was offered, seconded, and did not pass. The motion failed, 4 in favor; 5 opposed; 3 abstained.

Moved and seconded to ban the individual indefinitely until he has successfully applied for re-instatement in accordance with FSGW policy when published. The motion passed: 8 in favor; 1 opposed; 3 abstained.

Membership: RosieLee

FSGW has gained three new members in the past month.

RosieLee circulated several prototypes for new membership cards, requesting opinions or a consensus.

A recently unemployed FSGW member has asked if a special rate exists for newsletter subscribers who are unemployed. It doesn’t. The newsletter is available at libraries, events and other suitable locations throughout the region.

Publications: Roxanne

Summarized minutes will continue to be reported in the newsletter.

The E-blast list continues to grow, increasing by 300 names since its inception.

Roxanne is looking at developing a holiday sales center, in the newsletter and on the website, for members with something to sell.

Concern remains about developing the website. It may require professional help to really get it up and running.

Web Admin: Sandy

The web site configurations are still being unraveled. Sandy is continuing to work with Charlie Baum and Dennis Cook.

A board members handbook is in development.

Publicity: Liz

Liz requested that publicity releases by program and committee chairs be submitted to Publicity to ensure a consistent PR effort. In order for publicity efforts to be effective, and avoid missed deadlines, it's important to avoid last-minute submissions and changes. The media will be less likely to carry our press releases if they are inaccurate. The idea is to get one message across, not 10 contradictory ones.

Discussion about joining Cultural Capital to publicize some FSGW events was tabled with the comment that the dollars saved might be better spent on developing the website.

Program: Betsy

The Ed Miller concert is scheduled for Saturday, November 24.

The rest of the FSGW season is falling into place and should be available soon. She has started forming a committee to help with programming input. Current members are Donna Fletcher, Flawn Williams, Marty Summerour, and Charlie Baum.

Old Business:

Charlie Baum reported that the 2012 Getaway weekend was a resounding success, ending with immeasurable good will and a profit of $4400.

Julia Friend has requested an FSGW donation to the Youth Traditional Song Weekend. A motion was made to that effect; seconded; the motion passed.

New Business:

No new business.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Sandy Aubin, Secretary